History To-Go: The Wright Brothers

Wright Brothers plane
Have you ever wondered why North Carolina license plates say "First in Flight"? It's because Wilbur and Orville Wright, two brothers who owned a bicycle shop in Dayton, Ohio, made the first ever powered airplane flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903. The Wright Brothers chose Kitty Hawk because of its strong winds to lift the aircraft up, soft sand to land on, friendly population who could help them with their experiments, and privacy. After successfully making the first powered flight they improved their aircraft and made flying demonstrations around the world. In 1908 they returned to Kitty Hawk, where they made history again by completing the first two-person flight.

Did you know? In 1969 Neil Armstrong took a piece of the Wright Brothers' 1903 plane to the moon.

January's "History To-Go" box features The Wright Brothers! You can come by the museum starting Tuesday, January 4, 2022 to pick up a box (limit 2 per family). Limited supplies, so come early!  You can select the links below to access the box contents if you cannot get to the museum to pick yours up!

Image from a box side
Thanks to funding from the Museum of the Cape Fear Historical Complex Foundation Inc, and the Arts Council of Fayetteville we are offering FREE "History To-Go", take home craft kits.